Yigal Amir

As the trial of Yigal Amir grinds on, one can observe the obsessive hate and hysteria of the Israeli media. Unable to even feign the slightest bit of responsible objective journalism, the Israeli newspaper reporters cannot hold themselves back from viciously cursing and abusing Amir. Words like “scum” and “vermin” are some of the more commonly used terms used to describe him.

Such lanugage is usually not used when dealing with political assassins. In a normal society, words like “scum” are generally reserved for rapists or child beaters, and not for political criminals. If this uncontrolled hate was caused by an overwhelming love and sense of loss for Yitzchak Rabin, then perhaps their attacks on Amir would be understandable. But we must understand that there is something much deeper going on here.

Yigal Amir in their eyes is a symbol of all religious Jews. He is educated, and idealistic, and represents to them the Judaism that they so despise. Since it would be difficult still to defame all the religious Jews and rabbis without compunction, they find Yigal Amir an easy target for them to unleash their venom in their filthy tabloids.

Unfortunately, many religous Jews don’t grasp this. Instead, they try to find favor in the eyes of the left by coming up with even “jucier” adjectives to describe Amir. In their pathetic hope not to be viewed as”extremists” and to create “unity”, they attempt to outdo the left in their condemnations. Alas, it is a pity that none of this will help. Because the hellenist left in Israel looks upon these Jews as “scum” as well. For them, anyone who feels that the “halacha” is the ultimate authority, and places it over their hallowed democracy is a criminal.

Therefore, let us not try and gloss over the fact that we are in the heat of a cultural war with the Hellensits, and the gap between them and us is unbridgable.

And Yehuda, Too, Will Fight Against Jerusalem

The prophet Zacharia (chapter 14) prophesizes on the gentile nations who will gather together in the end of days to come against Jerusalem. And then he says a frightening verse: “And Yehuda shall also fight against Jerusalem”. While most commentators say that the gentiles will force Jews to join them, the commentator Rabbi David Kimchi (“Radak”) interprets the verse in its simple understanding – that part of the Jewish People will join the gentile and fight against the Jewish Nation. Unfortunately, we are starting to understand this verse well. Through recent events we have seen overt cooperation between decadent portions of the nation and the enemies of Israel:

  1. The most blatant: The leftists, led by the Labor Party, joining the propaganda attacks of the Arabs and the world against Israel at a time when battles were taking place in the territories following the opening of the Kotel tunnel. This set a new height, because we cannot recall open cooperation with an enemy in time of war.
  2. Two weeks after the government was put together, a writer for “HaAretz”wrote: “155 American rabbis (at least they were reform and conservative) wrote a letter to Clinton calling for American aid to Israel to be contingent upon the freezing of the settlements.”
  3. For the first time since its inception, the organization “B’Tselem” (in the Image) has called to organizations throughout the WORLD to take action in order to put on trial ex-Shabak head Ehud Yatom for fulfilling the mitzvah of smashing the head of two Amalikites who kidnapped the bus no. 300 ten years ago, and was pardoned for “something which doesn’t occur in the most primitive republics”. Again, what we have here is the informing or handing over to the gentile in a matter directly relating to war between us and our enemies. The group “B’Tselem” even gives the gentiles advice: “..You can arrest him abroad for the charge of executing someone without a trial, which is against international law”. It is pointed out in the article that this was the first time that the organization turned to gentiles in an effort to arrest someone from the Israeli Security forces.
  4. The filth who calls himself Jonathan Gefen, who left Israel for New York (as the Torah states that the land vomits out its garbage) writes in the newspaper “Maariv” that he is looking forward to the Clinton victory and he fantasizes how Clinton, after the elections, “sits Netanyahu down” like a master to a slave, and says to him: “Mr Netanyahu, you have been playing foolish games and leading us on for too long…etc.” It is no wonder that the low life who fathered Aviv Gefen, is a lot worse, as it is written, “For out of the serpents root shall come forth a basilisk” -that is, evil can only produce evil (Isiah, 14:29) He informs us that he is not Jew, but an Israeli. He says that the land is not his, and calls for the youth to leave the country. With his putrid mouth he compares Yigal Amir to Hitler.

Reaction to Arab Terror Blasts

Following the progroms in Kishinev, in which tens of Jews were slaughtered and Jews sat and cried, Zev Jebotinsky said: “I don’t call what happened a”tragedy”. A tragedy is when a divine lesson is learned. Here, nobody learns a thing”. How true these words are! Jews love to cry. Jews are experts in funerals, and so proficient in “Yohrzeits” and remembrance candles. But they are such amateurs when it comes to learning from history, despite the fact that they have undergone the most agonizing history than any other people. Behold, after the assassination of Rabin, the left demanded that we all contemplate our ways, and in fact, many self-righteous and confused Jews did just that. So many started to question the justice of their cause, asking forgiveness from the left. And now, after such shocking tragedy where 60 Jews are murdered in a span of two weeks and we are finally able to regain our proper proportions, it is as if everyone looks at spilled Jewish blood as some irrevocable Divine Decree; a continuation of the Inquisitions, progroms and Auschwitzes which we have grown so used to. Because the bottom line is that we are willing to accept the following axiom: The gentile spilling of Jewish blood is a natural thing, and is not worthy of avenging. But the truth is that there is some serious contemplation and “Cheshbon Nefesh” (an accounting) that must be done. We are not talking about the”cheshbon” of Knesset seats and surveys that the corrupt politicians deal in as they calculate how much each dead Jew is worth to them in the polls. The following is the real “Cheshbon Nefesh” that must be done: Who is guilty for the 60 Jews who were slaughtered in the center of the two largest cities in the “independent” State of Israel? Who is guilty for the fact that the dream of 2,000 years has turned into a daily nightmare, where parents are afraid to send their children off to school in the morning, lest in the evening they have to bring their children’s leftover, collected bodyparts in nylon bags to the cemetery? All those who refused to heed the words, the warnings, and the pleadings of Rabbi Kahane, HY”D, who for 20 years courageously and with unbelievable self-sacrifice warned us that as long as we do not actualize the Torah commandment of “disinheriting the inhabitants of the land”, we will be recompensed with, “And they will be thorns in your eyes…and will distress you in the land.”All those who could not debate the Rabbi, preferring to defame him as a “racist” and a “fascist”, are guilty for the murder of those Jews. Guilty are all those who knew he was right, but instead of simply keeping quiet, had to denounce him because of fear of what the left would say. All the rabbis who behind closed doors told him: “You’re right, but I can’t say it, because I’ll lose my position”, murdered those Jews. What an awesome opportunity we had! G-d sent a messenger who was willing to do all the “dirty work” – to carry the entire weight on his shoulders, suffer the condemnations, and sit in prison on the way. All we had to do was stand by his side and lend a bit of a hand. But no. Fear overcame most. Most preferred to cooperate with his haters. Who is suffering for it? We are! Because we are truly the guilty ones.

    From Channel 1 News:
    Riki, 13 years old: “Why do they hate us so?”
    Reporter: “Maybe you hate them?”
    Riki (after a slight hesitation): “No. (Crying) If there was something Icould tell them, I would tell them to stop it. It isn’t fair!”

Riki is a girl whose friend was killed in the Dizengof bombing. We quote her so that one can learn what the REAL TRAGEDY is: Through the words of this poor little girl one sees the double tragedy, for she represents the typical alienated Israeli youth. “Why do they hate us?”, she asks. Only someone who knows the history of the Jewish People can give her an answer – someone who was educated about the uniqueness of the Jewish People, and learned that the hate of the gentile, which is an illogical hatred, is derived from Mount Sinai. It is a hatred that the Jew cannot flee from, no matter how much he assimilates and capitulates – for it is a irrational law of nature. But Riki’s assimilated Israeli school curriculum doesn’t include such teachings about the eternity of the Jewish Nation, and her educators don’t understand why Arabs are unwilling to give up their weapons, despite the fact that the Jews are willing to give up everything. She herself (after slight hesitation) is willing to do away with her natural feelings of hatred that she holds towards the murderers of her friend. She does not understand that it isn’t territory that interests them, but rather it is the existence ofthe Jews in the Land of Israel that bothers them. Every possible alternative other than the Torah solution that we have been preaching for the last 25 years has been tried and has led to nowhere. It must be understood first and foremost that the Likud will not save thesituation. Have we forgotten already? They started the process of theabandonment of the Land of Israel. Even the “intifada” was a direct resultof their willingness to make concessions, and it began under a Likudgovernment. Have we already forgotten those “bad” old days of “intifada” and stabbings where the Likud government stood helpless. Does anyone think that a Likud government will cause the Hamas suicide terrorists to return to thecloset and bring back the days of “only” knifings? We know that this may be difficult to hear, but this is precisely the point: The salvation will come only when all the illusions have been shattered and the false gods have crumbled. What must it take for the People to wake up and cling to the real alternative, the alternative that was banned (by the Likud!) from takingpart in the elections to Knesset? Many people need to apologize to Yigal Amir. One of those people is a journalist who, before the bombings, ran in his column a comparison between Yigal Amir and the “engineer” of the Hamas (Mahandes). Yigal Amir was labeled as a “vermin” while in the article on the “engineer”, one could detect admiration and “kavod” for this murderer of women and children. How can one begin to understand such pathological self-hatred? Without a doubt, the hatred for Yigal Amir has passed all bounds of logic. Even for one who doesn’t agree with him, unlike the “engineer”, he chose the specific target which he felt was bringing tragedy upon the Jewish People, and out of a real pain for his people, he was willing to pay the price, as he said in court: “It is good to sit in prison for our homeland”. Is there any kind of tragedy that can wake this people up, or will we have to wait for out Father in Heaven to do it all alone – meaning that the redemption will have to be accompanied by brutally awesome tragedy? The hour is already late. Time is running out. Return to Me and I will return to you!

Shulamit Aloni

Shulamit Aloni’s abrupt departure from politics gladdened the hearts of many religious Jews. And indeed, at first glance, such joy is justified as the sages tell us in the mishnah in Masechet Sanhedrin, (8:5): “The dispersion of the wicked is good for them and good for the world”.

But one must probe beyond the spontaneous reaction and examine the situation in-depth. Out of all the extreme-leftist-Hellenists, what made Aloni so “special”? What made her the front-runner and the symbol in the war against Judaism that takes place today in Israel? It is precisely from her resignation where we can know the answer to this question. She said that the reason she quit was because her fellow Knesset party members were too pragmatic, and constantly muffled her huge mouth (for the good of the “peace process”), but she, so consumed with hatred for Judaism, could not restrain herself…

As surprising as it may sound, the brusque and insolent Shulamit Aloni is infinitely preferred to the smooth-talking Yossi Sarid. Why? Because what the Jewish People need is a clear choice between the two contradicting world outlooks that permeate Israeli society today; to decide between two conflicting life philosophies which are dissimilar in every way – Judaisms. Hellenism. Both world views must be presented clearly before the people and decided upon once and for all before it is too late.

In order for the people to decide and to finally put the matter at rest, two prerequisite conditions must be met. Firstly, the Jewish truth must be presented clearly and without distortion, because if we water it down for all kinds of practical reasons, how will the people be able to choose? The second condition is for the people to know exactly what the other side thinks – and that is what made the outspoken and uninhibited Aloni so “valuable” to the cause. For if the choice is presented clearly, we believe that the majority of Jews in Israel are still “gut ” Jews – that is, they are still healthy enough in spirit to choose “life”, (Judaism) over “death”(Hellenism).

In one of her first interviews following her withdrawal, Aloni, free-tongued as never before, savagely lashed into the “Hesder” yeshiva soldiers: “People say they are highly motivated. For sure. But Yigal Amir was also highly motivated. The question is : Where are they drawing their motivation from? “How keen! How razor-sharp she states the Hellenist case! Here are the leaders of the national religious camp constantly trying to justify and
legitimize themselves by saying that the “Hesder” boys are full of motivation, and do not realize that it is precisely this motivation that bothers their counterparts. For the leftist, religious motivation combined with militarism and nationalism is a deadly duo – dangerous fanaticism!

Our task is to sharpen and clarify both positions, for it is the only way to save the Jewish masses from the Hellenists. The blurring over of issues and the ambiguity only serves the goals of the left, since the people get caught up and bogged down with all kinds of slogans about “unity” and “peace” without grasping the crux of the issue, and simply get sucked along for the ride. In the long run, a well-defined clarification of both positions will
save this country from bloody civil war. We must not ignore the simple fact that two camps with totally opposite ideologies are on a massive collision course. 2,500 years ago we witnessed the same confrontation(Hanukah).

That is why we are around. So that someone in the Jewish camp will present the complete Jewish point of view without fear and apologies, and in so doing, offer a genuine alternative to the extreme left.

Hanukah: “And Yehuda Will Also Fight Against Jerusalem”

The war between the Hashmonim and the Greeks was characterized by the active cooperation between many Jews with the Greeks. It was not that these Jews were dragged along against their wills out of fear of the harsh decrees. Nor was it the people falling prey to the Greek propaganda and acting out of a desire to emulate Greek culture. Indeed, all this was true. But when we speak of the phenomenon of the “Hellenists”, we speak of something more serious — and that is active cooperation of Jewish Hellenists against Jews of faith. The Book of “The Macabees”, which documents the events of the Hashmonian wars, relates how the “Jewish criminals and wicked”, as the book puts it, were a major factor, and even provoked the Greeks in their war against the Jews.

For the first time since Chanukah, we again see this active and eager cooperation between the Jews and the enemies of Israel against the Jewish People. It is the first time ever where we see such a cooperation manifest itself as an organized movement, where everything has been initiated by the Jews themselves. The Hellenists have simply reached the conclusion that barriers between Israel and the nations is something outdated and primitive, and it only creates problems. In short, they want to wipe out the existence of the Jewish People.

The prophet Zacharia (Chapter 14) prophesizes on the era before the final redemption, and speaks of the final war where all the nations will come against Jerusalem. We then see a terrifying verse: “And Yehuda, also will fight against Jerusalem”. In other words, parts of the Jewish People will be on the side of the gentiles during this war! While Rashi softens the blow by interpreting that “against their wills they will fight Israel”, the Radak explains the verse according to its simple understanding: “Yehuda that came with the gentiles and fought with them against Jerusalem”. Similarly, in the midrash “Psikta Rabti” (Ch. 15), it says: Rabbi Shmuel Bar Yitzchak said: Even those from my congregation (Jews) will cling to your congregation (Gog and Magog), and they too will fall on the day of your defeat”!

And so, the curse which we first saw under the Greek rule where Jews switched their loyalties to that of the enemy has not gone away with thevictory of the Macabees over the Greeks and Hellenists. Despite the great victory of the wiping out of the Greeks and Hellenists and the return to Jewish sovereignty over Israel and the purification of the Temple – even still the Hellenists continue to rear their heads in this generation.

And so we see in this generation, which is the beginning of the redemption process, that two camps are slowly being formed: The camp of the loyal Jews and the camp of the Hellenists. The Hellenist camp is having more and more conflict as to where their loyalties lie. This camp less and less understands why one should stand separate as Jews, rather than simply as “human beings”. And so, in a very natural way, a growing partnership and common interest is created between these Hellenists and the haters of the Jewish nation, while the Hellenists and Jews have less and less in common. Thus, the following saying becomes quite true: “This area is divided up differently now: It is not Israelis and the rest, but rather the ‘peace camp’ (Jews and Arabs) versus all the rest” (The words of a Peace-Now leader)

In such a situation, the struggle between the two camps intensifies, andmore and more people are forced to decide where they stand. And so, every Jew must, even against his will, decide once and for all where he stands – on the side of the Jews or on the side of the Hellenists. By doing so, he is deciding once and for all the question he has avoided all these years: Who Is He?

Examples of “Yehuda Fighting Against Jerusalem”

Unfortunately, we have begun to understand the above verse all too well.Through recent events we have seen overt cooperation between decadentportions of the nation and the enemies of Israel. Here are some of them:

  1. The most blatant: The leftists, led by the Labor Party, joining the propaganda attacks of the Arabs and the world against Israel at a time when battles were taking place in the territories following the opening of the Kotel tunnel. This set a new height, because we cannot recall open cooperation with an enemy in time of war.
  2. Two weeks after the government was put together, a writer for “HaAretz” wrote: “155 American rabbis (at least they were reform and conservative) wrote a letter to Clinton calling for American aid to Israel to be contingent upon the freezing of the settlements.”
  3. For the first time since its inception, the organization “BeTzelem” (in the Image) has called to organizations throughout the WORLD to take action in order to put on trial ex-Shabak head Ehud Yatom for fulfilling the mitzvah of smashing the head of two Amalikites who kidnapped the bus no. 300 ten years ago, and was pardoned for “something which doesn’t occur in the most primitive republics”. Again, what we have here is the informing or handing over to the gentile in a matter directly relating to war between us and our enemies. The group “BeTzelem” even gives the gentiles advice: “… You can arrest him abroad for the charge of executing someone without a trial, which is against international law.” It is pointed out in the article that this was the first time that the groups turned to gentiles in an effort to arrest someone from the Israeli Security forces.
  4. The filth who calls himself Jonathan Gefen, who left Israel for New York (as the Torah states that the land vomits out its garbage) writes in the newspaper “Maariv” that he is looking forward to the Clinton victory and he fantasizes how Clinton, after the elections, “sits Netanyahu down” like a master to a slave, and says to him: “Mr. Netanyahu, you have been playing foolish games and leading us on for too long … etc.” It is no wonder that the lowlife who fathered Aviv Gefen, is a lot worse, as it is written, “For out of the serpents root shall come forth a basilisk” – that is, evil can only produce evil (Isiah, 14:29) He informs us that he is not Jew, but an Israeli. He says that the land is not his, and calls for the youth to leave the country. With his putrid mouth he compares Yigal Amir to Hitler.